Protective Orders - Ending the Violence

If you or your children are victims of domestic violence you can obtain a protective order against your abuser. A protective order is an order that orders the abuser to stop harming or threatening you.

When family violence occurs, it is critical that you implement a safety plan. Part of that safety plan is obtaining a protective order.

What is a Protective Order and what does it do?

A protective order is a civil court order protecting a victim from the perpetrator. Protective orders are used to try and prevent future acts of violence. The protective order can order the abuser to not commit any violence against you and/or members of your family. The protective order can order the abuser to not come within a certain distance of where you live, work, or attend school. The protective order can order the abuser to not communicate with you, follow you, and refrain from threatening, annoying, abusing, or tormenting you. The protective order can even order the abuser to move from the home, not possess a firearm, and attend counseling.

What kind of Protective Order do you obtain?

There are three types of protective orders in Texas.

1. An emergency protective order.
An emergency protective order generally lasts between 30 and 60 days. If the abuser was arrested for a domestic violence offense involving the use or display of a deadly weapon the order is valid between 60 to 90 days.

2. A temporary ex parte order.
A victim can obtain a temporary ex parte order in a family court instead of a criminal court. A temporary ex parte order is valid for up to 20 days. It can be extended an additional 20 days upon the request of the victim or if the judge decides to extend it.

3. A permanent protective order.
A hearing is scheduled where the victim and the abuser have an opportunity to present each of their sides. A judge then rules on the issue. If the judge rules in favor of the victim, the permanent protective order is valid for up to two years. If the abuser committed a felony has caused serious injury to the victim or has been subject to multiple restraining orders in the past, then the permanent protective order may last longer than two years.

The Denis Law Group has the experience necessary to help guide you through the process of protecting yourself and your family. Let us help you get the protection you need, and you deserve.

Fill out our contact form today to schedule a consultation.


Police: 911

National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 (SAFE) or TDD 800-878-3224

Texas Department of Human Services Abuse Hotline

Texas Advocacy Project – Family Violence Legal Line
800-374-4673 (HOPE)