What is Discovery?

What is Discovery? In a Texas family law case, discovery refers to the legal process through which both parties exchange information and evidence relevant to the case. The discovery process assists the attorneys and parties in the case to obtain information relevant to prepare the case for hearings, depositions, custody

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What is a Common Law Marriage in Texas?

What is a Common Law Marriage in Texas?  also referred to as an informal marriage, is recognized as a legally valid marriage even if the couple did not obtain a marriage license or participate in a formal wedding ceremony.  To establish a common law marriage in Texas, a couple must

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Military Divorce in Texas

Military Divorce in Texas Military divorce and property division in Texas can be complex due to the unique regulations that apply to military personnel and their families. Here are some key points to consider: Jurisdiction:  Texas has its own residency requirements for filing for divorce, which generally involves one spouse

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Community Property vs. Separate Property

Community Property vs. Separate Property In Texas, divorce and property division are governed by community property laws. Here are the key points to consider regarding divorce and property division in Texas: Community Property: Any property acquired during the marriage is generally considered community property. This includes income, real estate, and

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What is Mediation and Why You Should Mediate Your Case

What is Mediation and Why You Should Mediate Your Case Mediation in family law matters, child custody, child support or other family law cases in Texasis a process where a neutral third-party mediator helps couples negotiate the terms of their familylaw matters, custody agreement, or child support agreement. The mediator

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